2025 Golf Clinics
The season “Kickstarter Series” are a yearly event in April and May that are enjoyed by many of my students and newcomers as well. (note: these are not an intro to golf) Get your golf mojo on early and make the most out of this year’s golf season!
Summer Clinics begin in June. You will love the scheduled clinics that have been set up for the summer season.
New Golfer Clinics will be scheduled for May and June. Small Groups, equipment provided if needed.
All clinics are held at the Fairchild Wheeler Golf Range at 2390 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield CT. All include Professional Instruction, Range Balls, Swing Aids & Video.
WEATHER POLICY Due to the unpredictability of the weather any clinic postponements will be made the day of your clinic. You will be notified at least one hour before the clinic if there is a change due to weather.
New Golfer Clinics will be scheduled for May and June. Small Groups, equipment provided if needed.
All clinics are held at the Fairchild Wheeler Golf Range at 2390 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield CT. All include Professional Instruction, Range Balls, Swing Aids & Video.
Clinic schedules will be updated throughout the summer so check back often.Please note: There will be no refunds if you cannot make a session in a series. Rain dates will be scheduled the week following the last scheduled clinic session in the same time slot. Thank you!
WEATHER POLICY Due to the unpredictability of the weather any clinic postponements will be made the day of your clinic. You will be notified at least one hour before the clinic if there is a change due to weather.
Private Groups
Golf Schools, Corporate Groups, Friends
Call 203-767-8058 to set up your golf event.
Contact Liz